Zian Zeng


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science (Data Science Track) in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024.

Interests: Software Engineering, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Science


Study Partner 2022

A web application for University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) ICS students to self-organize face-to-face study groups around a course and/or specific homework or project topic.

Meteor React MongoDB Javascript Digital Ocean

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Musical Genre Prediction 2021

A machine learning project that uses SVM classification to predict musical genres.

Machine Learning SVM Classification Python

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Autoencoder Neural Network for TCGA Dataset 2021

An autoencoder neural network that distinguishes different cancer types.

Machine Learning Autoencoder Neural Network Python

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PCA Lossy Image Compression 2021

A lossy image compression project using Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

Machine Learning Principal Component Analysis Python

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Stepping-stones for Becoming a Professional Software Engineer

15 Dec 2022

Go Out of Console, Web Application Development, and Beyond Although I had done programming by using different languages, I had not yet really jumped out of the console and developed a complete software application that involved the front-end, web, database,...

Reflect on Software Engineering Agile Project Management Coding Standards

The Master Key to Problems - Design Pattern

01 Dec 2022

Don’t reinvent the wheel When you encounter a challenging problem, you may be very tempted to immediately get hands-on and solve the problem in your own way without doing any research, but this may not be the best approach to...

Design Pattern Web Design

UI Frameworks vs. Raw HTML & CSS

06 Oct 2022

Starting Simple with Raw HTML & CSS I had not code with any front-end languages like HTML and CSS before, so exploring with raw HTML and CSS is a completely new experience and feel. I had built websites with web...

HTML CSS Web Design UI Frameworks Bootstrap

Rules or No Rules?

22 Sep 2022

Rules Are Painful Have you ever gotten bothered by some rules and thought why do I have to follow them? Following rules is always a hard and sometimes even painful thing to do. Also, rules are everywhere in our lives...

Coding Standards ESLints

Can’t Get a Helpful Answer? Try Smart Questions

08 Sep 2022

Introduction: Why is Asking a Smart Question Important? We often ask questions in our life and this is a common thing in the world of software engineers as well. Not all of our questions can get good answers or even...

Questions Answers StackOverflow Reflection

Software Engineering ⊆ Me

01 Sep 2022

Where the Journey Began When I first started middle school in Hawaii, I did not consider in the future I would do anything with coding or even computers at all, because back in China, most of the teachers, students, and...

Software Engineering Reflection

See all 7 essays